More than 70% of plastic surgeries are performed without complete and clear information about the procedure, the professional in charge and the associated risks.

El riesgo Actual

Today those seeking plastic surgery face significant risk in having to plan everything themselves.

Until now, what you knew was a traditional view of the plastic surgery process. Where you are just one more on a stretcher. Where no one accompanies you in your fears, doubts… because yes, you will have them. You find yourself alone in a process that you do not know and for which no one is preparing you.

An obsolete and cold look… No clear and reliable information. Where an economic benefit is prioritized over your safety.

The risk of you making life-altering decisions is increasing:

Doctors of dubious credibility and experience.

Overcrowded clinics with a clear lack of specialties to meet all your needs.

Without any protocol for unforeseen events.

At the end of the day, you don’t have the medical knowledge necessary to recognize who is a reliable professional, which clinic to choose, or even what to do when faced with unforeseen medical emergencies.

Nuestro Programa Integral de Bienestar Físico y Emocional, tiene 5 pilares.

Holistic Vision.

Behind every man or woman there are emotional needs that we understand and attend to.
We see the process beyond an aesthetic transformation or a mere surgical act.
We are not a mere operating table and body transfer.

Why do we do it?
We seek balance by attending to your needs for physical change and emotional guidance before any doubts or fears you may have.

It is the only way to feel really good, with your body and with yourself.

Proactive approach

We take the lead and lay the foundation for a completely safe process.
That is why, before considering any intervention, we perform a detailed evaluation to determine if you are a candidate for plastic surgery.

Why do we do it?
Because we minimize risks, creating proactive safety protocols.
Your life is more important than a cosmetic procedure. This may not be your time, or you may simply need more preparation before undergoing surgery.

Don’t feel alone, we will accompany you and help you until you are really ready.

Route map

The starting point on this journey begins with your surgery. But it doesn’t end there.

We will guide you in your next steps and to achieve your full recovery you have to face new challenges.

From the first days in the postoperative period, to your complete recovery and change of habits to maintain your results, you need constant support.

Why do we do it?
Because for us the plastic surgery process is not only a beauty issue, it is a real life change.

World reference spaces

The Dominican Republic is the cradle of plastic surgery procedures.

A worldwide reference, not only for having the most prestigious doctors, but also because here are the greatest advances in all types of aesthetic surgical processes.

All this makes us the country with the lowest mortality rates in plastic surgery procedures.

Solicita una cita de valoración ahora

Your health and well-being come first, that’s why at DRCosmetics we want to have an assessment call with you, free of charge, and see if you are a candidate for cosmetic surgery.

Fill out the following form, and a member of our team will contact you.